Monday, June 7, 2021

Here and Barely There

 If a tree falls in the forest, did I chop it down?

Not if nobody saw me, I didn’t.

Just like if nobody heard it fall then it didn’t make any noise (and you can’t prove it did). And the same could be said if I had planted the seed and nurtured the sapling and had come back year in and year out to witness its transformation into a mighty oak. Only me and the acorns will ever know.

There ya go, Grasshopper.

Don’t forget! BIG WES Turner’s Trio has severed all ties with Mark Zuckerberg and his evil enterprise (Facebook). It’s not that we’re not sociable, or that we oppose networking. It’s just that our mentor and main-man Big Wes has a policy against aiding and abetting such anti-human assholery. We urge all to free themselves of the FB tyranny.

Keep up by checking in. Right here. Or get yourself on the mailing list. It’s easy.

The McMusical Calendar

Friday, June 18

The Birddog Blues Band plays Camp Beef Butter BBQ from 6 to 9 (weather permitting!). The “Camp” is set up right behind the location of the old White House restaurant on Hwy M (next to the Summit Credit Union branch). If it rains, the event is canceled. If it doesn’t rain, grab some great food, choose from the selection of Wisconsin beers, grab a picnic table and enjoy some funky Blues from mouth harpist Birddog, guitarist Mel Ford, bassist Tom McCarty and drummer Mark Haines. Plenty of parking, people!

Wednesday, August 11

The Sparks Band plays rockin’ hits from the 60s (mostly) to The Fest Haus at 106 Third Avenue in New Glarus. Early show, so don’t be slow.

More happenings in the works. Check back.

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