Congratulations! You’ve checked in again, just as we encouraged you to do. (Unless you’re here for the first time, which would beg the question: Are you lost?)
Checking back in is good, because things DO change. Heck, they’re changing all the time, even when we don’t notice. And we, too, are ever a-changing, belonging as we do to the general “thingyness” of the universe.
It’s easy to forget about that. We wander off to our own little corners, engrossed in our private pursuits. But now and then we are thrust out and about, answering the call of a calendar freshly rearranged. Thus with the revised calendar below, featuring the annoying inclusion of THREE private events. Yes. Unless you are already on the guest list, you’re S.O.L.
So why include this information here? Not to engender frustration and resentment (you have “social” media for that). No. Rather to illustrate that all those previous reminders that Mr. McMusic and colleagues ARE available for private functions (at surprisingly reasonable rates!) was not merely idle chatter. So what are you waiting for? Give us a shout and let’s start the party planning NOW.
The McMusical Calendar
Tuesday, June 29
Mel & Mc (that's guitarist Mel Ford and bassist Tom McCarty) provide classic Blues with a Kansas City-style swing for a certain group’s gathering around fine wine and food. If you’re part of said group, we’ll see you there.
Thursday, July 1
The Sparks Band revels in rockin’ hits from the 60s for a select gathering of individuals at an iconic Madison venue. We can say no more. Except that you’ll be pissed that you couldn’t be there.
Saturday, July 3
The Birddog Blues Band entertains at a reception for a pair of Blues-loving newlyweds in a bucolic southwestern Wisconsin setting. If you’ve been invited, we’ll see you there.
Wednesday, August 11
The Sparks Band revels in rockin’ hits from the 60s for The Fest Haus at 106 Third Avenue in New Glarus. Early show, so don’t be slow.
More stuff is likely to come up, so keep checking up. Better yet, make something happen! Plan your party and call on BIG WES Turner’s Trio or any of the above mentioned musical menageries.