We might have mentioned the word “hibernation” in a previous post. Who knew then how deep and long the suspense of that inanimate state would endure.
Well, the snow is still deep and the thermometer is still reading single digits (some with a minus sign in front), yet signs of Spring are popping up. We’re not just talking about earlier sunrises and later sunsets; Tyranena Brewing in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, has posted their schedule for a summer of entertainment for fans of fine brews. Check it out.
Portable heaters have kept the spacious Tyranena patio amenable to the hardiest of Wisconsin beer imbibers throughout the winter. Starting the last weekend of April, the same experience will require fewer layers of clothing and will be accompanied with LIVE MUSIC!!!
Tyranena’s expansive patio and grassy knoll area leaves plenty of room for keeping distance between people pods. You can bring your own food or sample tasty fare from the rotating cast of food cart vendors. Tasty Tyranena brews are served out of the patio-side service windows. Multiple porta-pottys allow discreet and distanced answers to the calls of nature. It’s as pandemic-safe a situation for enjoying an outdoor musical performance as we can imagine. Musicians perform under a permanent awning, so the shows go on except in the case of weather most foul.
Best of all, BIG WES Turner’s Trio will be there for a 6 to 9 pm performance on Saturday, May 8, along with our good friend, Grammy-winner and Chicago Blues Hall of Fame inductee, Billy Flynn playing guitar.
So stay safe. Put on your mask, wash your hands. See you there.
Note: If you’ve been looking for BIG WES Turner’s Trio on Facebook, stop it. Wes don’t go there no more. Why? Because Mark Zuckerberg pissed off the big fella one too many times.
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