Wednesday, September 4, 2024


August? It was a busy month. September? Not so much, as a peek at the McMusical Calendar (below) will show. Sometimes, that just the way it goes.

There's a time to kick up some dust, and a time to kick back and relax. There's also times when you have to put your shoulder to the wheel, metaphorically speaking, 'cause some jobs you just have to do yourself.

Like voting. Come this November, Americans need to participate in the work of self-governance. Don't leave it up to somebody else to make what may be the most important choice us citizens of this fair land have ever made. Get informed. Get registered. Get ready. Then VOTE.

In the meantime, here's The McMuscial Calendar.  

Sunday, September 15
BirdDogBlues plays an early afternoon set to help raise funds for the Madison Blues Society Showcase at the East Side Club.\The BA Band plays from noon to 1. Then BirdDogBlues boys from 1:20 to 3. Then Chicago's own Donna Herula and her band from 3 to 5. Food, Drink, and 50/50 Raffle on the shores of beautiful Lake Monona.

Saturday, October 5
BirdDogBlues plays the Fharmacy, Tyranena Brewing's welcoming indoor venue in downtown Lake Mills. 7 to 10

Saturday, October 26
BirdDogBlues makes music at The Mill on the banks of the Sugar River in Paoli (weather permitting). 5 to 8

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