Thursday, July 7, 2022

Eleventh Hour Update

The Birddog Blues Band will NOT be playing at Lone Girl Brewing in Waunakee this evening (July 7). Somebody in the band, and we won't name names (it was Mel), came down with COVID. He feels bad and feels bad about messing up the performance schedule. We say, "que sera, sera."

The Bill Roberts Trio rides to the rescue for those who want to hear music while quaffing brews on the Lone Girl rooftop.

McMusical Calendar

Sunday, July 10
Celebration and Commemoration for Ned Englehardt and Lonnie Bjornstadt! Two performers beloved for their parts played with Dr. Bop & The Headliners are fondly feted and fare-thee-welled by friends The White Raven (aka Al Kraven), Ena Anka (aka Ena), Troy Charmel (aka Bob Kenison), Cleveland St. James (aka Larry ‘3rd Degree Byrne), and others. At the High Noon Saloon from 2 to 6 pm.

Friday, July 29
Birddog Blues Band at Tyranena Brewing, Lake Mills, WI. 6 to 9 pm

Saturday, August 6
Birddog Blues Band at Tofflers in New Glarus, WI. 8 to 11 pm

Saturday, August 16
Birddog Blues Band plays Blues at the Waukesha Blues Fest (held in Hartland).

Friday, August 19
Birddog Blues Band warms up the stage for some band called The Jimmys (?) at Mineral Point Blues and Roots Fest. Enjoy the surroundings at “Orchard Lawn” and the grounds of The Gundry House at Church and Pine in historic, picturesque Mineral Point.

Thursday, August 25
Birddog Blues Band at Lone Girl Brewery, Waunakee, WI. 6 to 9 pm

Friday, September 2
Birddog Blues Band at Wisconsin Brewing, 1079 American Parkway, Verona WI. Spacious indoor and outdoor spaces for roaming around or imbibing brews. 6 to 9 pm

Check back for updates and future fun opportunities.

Saturday, September 17
Mel Ford & the Fairlane, PRIVATE PARTY*, Madison, WI.
*(WAIT! Why are we telling you about a party if you’re not invited? Just to remind you that Mr. McMusic and associates are happy to bring live music to your neighborhood hall or your very own home, at surprisingly reasonable rates.)

Saturday, October 8
Birddog Blues Band at Full Mile in Sun Prairie, WI.

We fill in details here as soon as we hear about them, or when we get around to it. So check back.

And...remember that Mr. McMusic and colleagues ARE available for private functions (at surprisingly reasonable rates!) So what are you waiting for. Give us a shout and let’s start the party planning NOW.

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